Omaxe the Lake Victoria 3 bhk Fkats in New Chandigarh is near to posession . Occupatin certificate work is under process and GMADA govt team visits are going on . Posession of omaxe lake Victoria flats is expected by sept 2022 .
Prices in Omaxe lake Victoria 3 bhk is increasing day by day as posession news is in the market and work is going on 24×7 based . Omaxe Victoria have 3 bhk in category of 1530 and 1580 sqft . Posession of Victoria A and Victoria B will be given in first phase . Completion certificate of these tower Victoria A came in September and company started offering posession to customers . Soon by 2022 Diwali people will start moving to these luxury apartments in New Chandigarh .
Floor plan of Victoria 3 bhk Omaxe The Lake

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